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Effective Date: September 14, 2023

Welcome to the website of Church:Behind the Whitewash. We value your privacy and aim to be transparent about how we collect and use your personal information. This Privacy Policy explains what we do with the data we gather, so please take a moment to read through it 

Information Collection

We gather Automated Information. When you visit our website, our web server collects certain data like your IP address, browser type, and operating system by default. An IP address is a number that identifies your computer on the internet. We do not use this data to help any  browsing experience. 

Data Sharing

We keep your personal information private and do not share it with any third parties. 

 In certain circumstances, we may disclose your information with third parties in response to legal process, such as in response to a lawful subpoena or court order, or in response to a law enforcement agency’s request. 


We use cookies, small text files stored on your device, to collect information about your website activity. You can disable cookies through your browser settings, although this may affect the functionality of the website.

Data Retention

Your information is kept only as long as necessary to provide the services you’ve requested, or until you ask us to remove it.

Security Measures

While we take reasonable steps to protect your information, please be aware that no online data transmission or storage method is 100% secure.

Policy Updates

We may periodically update this Privacy Policy. If significant changes are made, we will post a notice on our website.

Contact Us

For any questions about this policy, feel free to email us using our contact form.  

WordPress Privacy Policy

Our website is hosted on WordPress, which has its own Privacy Policy that you can read here.