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Multi-ethnicity at CHBC: The perspectives of insiders

In the following news stories and blog posts, long-term insiders at Chapel Hill Bible Church including elders, staff,  ministry leaders, ministry volunteers, and other congregants have shared their experiences as persons of color or as family members of persons of color.


March 4, 2022

The Wartburg Watch (blog) The Convicting Letters of Resignation from Four Elders of Chapel Hill Bible Church

Primary source documents: elder resignation letters


March 2, 2022

The Wartburg Watch (blog) Chapel Hill Bible Church Will Not Release the Entire G.R.A.C.E Report to the Membership in Order to Protect the Staff. Then, There’s the Racism Thing…

Primary source: video of elder chair’s comments (comments related to ethnic diversity start at 4:15 minute mark)


Nov. 29, 2022

The Daily Tar Heel:  Chapel Hill Bible Church leaders face allegations, investigations over abusive behavior

Includes links to primary source documents that include issues related to being a multi-ethnic church:  

The elders’ summary of the G.R.A.C.E. Executive Summary (See p. 13-14)  

The report from Leighton Ford Ministries (See p. 4 and p.19)


 April 4, 2023

Religion News Service  This North Carolina church used to be multiracial. Then came Jan. 6. 

Poignant personal experiences of former members at Chapel Hill Bible Church ( both before and after January 6th). This is the same article as The Washington Post article below. No paywall.


April 7, 2023

The Washington Post  This North Carolina church used to be multiracial. Then came Jan. 6.