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An Interview with Michael Kruger, author of Bully Pulpit

By October 8, 2023November 1st, 2023No Comments

An interview with Michael Kruger, author of Bully Pulpit

Guilt, Grace, Gratitude


One of the hallmark indicators [of abusive leaders] is … a debris field of broken relationships… a trail of dead bodies that goes back years and years and years…destroyed lives…people who are estranged from this person… That is red flag #1.

Overview of video with timestamps

1:45  What prompted Kruger to write Bully Pulpit?

4:56  The niche for the book: From a church leader to church leaders.

6:14  Confidence in doctrine and polity can cause us to lower our vigilance and believe it can’t happen to us

7:37  Celebrity pastors: it’s not about the size of the church but the disposition of the congregants toward the pastor and that which he has toward himself. Big fish in little pond.

9:23  Primary red flag of a toxic or spiritual abusive leader: “Debris field of broken relationships,” destroyed lives.

11:40  Current cultural frameworks through which some view spiritual abuse: if you raise concerns about spiritual abuse, aren’t you feeding our modern victim culture? Is it a manifestation of woke, progressive culture?

14:00  Biblical examples of spiritual abuse

17:34  Yes, but what about….

19:49  What are the unique effects of abuse from a spiritual leader compared to abuse from someone else?

28:38  If someone comes to your church who has been abused in another church: here’s one thing to do and one thing not to do

32:15  How to spot abusers before they abuse. Vetting processes in seminaries and on pastor search committees. How to assess whether you’re in a healthy church.