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Dean Ortland Whistleblower Speaks Out on Workplace Bullying: Part 1

By October 8, 2023November 9th, 2023One Comment

Dean Ortland Whistleblower Speaks Out on Workplace Bullying: Part 1

Julie Roys Podcast

Dean Ortland Whistleblower Speaks Out on Workplace Bullying

Interview with Emily Hyland, whistleblower, who realized something was wrong, reported it to two elders, and was terminated within days and with Paul Coughlin, founder of  The Protectors : Freedom from Bullying  , an organization to combat bullying in schools & other organizations and to build “courage, character, and leadership for life” He is the author of Raising Bully-Proof Kids, Five Secrets Great Dads Know, and No More Christian Nice Guy. Their impressive bios are included on the the Roys Report website.

The podcast is accompanied by a transcript that has time stamps, enabling you to read while you listen, or to read first and then listen to the portions which most interest you.


Recognition of patterns is critical to clearly discerning truth. Witnesses to the recent history at Chapel Hill Bible Church who have heard the personal stories of some staff members might recognize several patterns in this account.

The podcast covers NDAs, bullying, surprise terminations, differential treatment of women, the effects of bullying, the betrayal by the community that is even more damaging than the bullying,  and the significant impact of even one elder who has the courage to stick his neck out.

Whistleblower Emily Hyland tells what she knows now that she wishes she knew then.

Key Quotes

“And we spoke earlier about the pattern of behavior, right, that people undergo. And when you recognize that pattern, you begin to realize you’re not crazy. And one of the things that is so painful for targets is betrayal. ” –Paul Coughlin  [This is one of the purposes of this blog: to help people see patterns so that they can better discern truth]

And I’ve heard that repeatedly from people who have been victims of spiritual abuse, church abuse, retaliation, bullying. That they can handle that there’s one bad apple. … They can deal with that. What they can’t deal with, is that everybody got in line with that guy  Everybody stood there silently…  [the betrayal] . –Julie Roys

…when you take communion, and it starts with on the night he was betrayed. … Jesus knows what it’s like to be betrayed, and forsaken by everyone who you thought was for you and with you. I mean, to identify in that aspect of religious community is a thread of hope you can have because Jesus knows betrayal.–Emily Hyland

Those of you who witnessed the recent history at Chapel Hill Bible Church and heard the personal stories of some staff members might recognize many patterns in this podcast. The ability to recognize patterns is critical to clearly discerning truth.