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Thought for the day

For the spiritually abused: you are seen

By December 18, 2023No Comments

Is. 61:1-3 describes the characteristics of the people for whom the Messiah is coming. Jesus quotes from this passage when he announces the beginning of his ministry. Those who have experienced spiritual or other abuse at the hands of Christians in authority over them can certainly identify and take heart that the Good Shepherd sees you.

Poor [afflicted, oppressed, humble] coping with changes in physical and mental health, possibly financial well-being; unattended by those to whom they had looked as shepherds

Broken-hearted, in mourning with too many losses to count

Captive or bound, possibly to an NDA or to changes in physical or mental health brought about by the treatment they received

A faint spirit [spirit of heaviness, despair]

December 18, 2023