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Thought for the day

Which kind of king do you resemble?

By March 24, 2024No Comments


When you sing “Hosanna” this morning, reflect on the differences between the kind of king the crowds wanted and the kind of king Jesus proclaimed himself to be. They wanted a conquering king.

Jesus turned the idea of what it means to be a king upside down. He gave up the heavenly courts to come down to us. He identified so closely with children, the hungry, thirsty, naked, sick, strangers, imprisoned that He proclaimed that He views our treatment of them as done to Him He. was the kind of king who taught his people to love their enemies. He spoke to women and taught them, even though that was frowned on. He socialized with tax collectors and sinners.

Shortly after riding into town on the donkey, he went to the temple and turned over tables, yet  later in the week would wash his disciples feet because He came to serve.  He was the king who came to die so that his people could live.

Do you resemble your king?