- Pilate had power. Matt. 27: 17: John 19:10-11
- He knew that the motives of those who had delivered Jesus up were based on self-interest. Matt. 27:18
- He was warned. Matt 27: 19
- Principles of truth, justice, and fear of God were important to Pilate, so he initially tried to do the right thing. Matt 27:21-23; John 18: 38-39
- But when he saw his own self-interests threatened, he caved to pressure, washing his hands of the matter and blaming others. Matt 27:24; Mark 15:15; John 19: 12-13
What motives eventually overcame Pilate’s principles? Do you think he told himself that he’d done all he could have done?
Have you ever seen church leaders follow this same pattern, allowing the guilty to prevail, and washing their hands of the harm done to others? What do you think they told themselves to justify it?