When someone is vulnerable, they are susceptible to attack or injury. Whenever power is used in a way that wounds the vulnerable, that exploits trust; abuse has occurred. –Diane Langberg, Ph.D @DianeLangberg on X (X.com) June 25, 2024 Vulnerable
The weak you have not strengthened, the sick you have not healed, the injured you have not bound up, the strayed you have not brought back, the lost you have not sought, and with force and harshness you have ruled them. So they were scattered….As I live, declares the Lord God, surely because my sheep have become a prey, and my sheep have become food for all the wild beasts, since there was no shepherd, and because my shepherds have not searched for my sheep, but the shepherds have fed themselves, and have not fed my sheep, therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord: Thus says the Lord God, Behold, I am against the shepherds. Ez. 34: 4-5a; 8-10a