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What’s New?

Looks like there’s something new here.  Gotta check it out!

Week of June 2, 2024

Analysis of Proposed Changes in Bylaws at Chapel Hill Bible Church

Week of May 5, 2024

Hope and Disillusionment: Recovery from the Ravi Zacharias Scandal

Week of April 28, 2024

A Church Called Tov: Forming a Goodness Culture

Week of April 14, 2024

An Analysis of Transparency in the Letter Announcing McKiddie’s Resignation

Week of January 21, 2024

Contact Us is back up.

Week of November 26, 2023

The Coercive Cycle by Wade Mullen

Week of November 19, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Pyramid of Abuse   by Brad Sargeant aka Futurist Guy

Unfortunately, Contact Us is still temporarily down.

Week of November 5, 2023

Book Review: Something’s Not Right by Wade Mullen

Book Review: When Narcissism Comes to Church  by Chuck DeGroat

Video/podcast Review: Dean Ortland Whistleblower Speaks Out on Workplace Bullying Part 2

11/14 “CONTACT US” is temporarily down.


Week of October 29, 2023

Thought of the Day launches  CHBC – home

Thought of the Day Archives Thought for the Day

Transparency at Chapel Hill Bible Church CHBC – home

What is Spiritual Abuse?  What is Spiritual Abuse?


Week of October 8, 2023

An Interview with Michael Kruger, author of Bully Pulpit(Resources)

Wade Mullen on How to Spot Spiritual Abuse (Resources)

Dean Ortland Whistleblower Speaks Out on Workplace Bullying: Part 1 (Resources)

Scott McKnight on Warning Signs of a Toxic Church culture on Videos/Podcast tab of Resources  


Week of October 1, 2023

Mars Hills Podcast on Videos/Podcasts tab of Resources

Church Abuse: Protecting Ministries, Destroying Souls (Resources)


Week of September 10, 2023

Stars in Our Garden  (Resources)


Week of September 3, 2023

Site launches with posts on our Purpose, Chapel Hill Bible Church in the News, Multi-ethnicity at Chapel Hill Bible Church, Use of NDAs at Chapel Hill Bible Church, Christian Commentary on the Unbiblical Nature of NDAs, National Labor Relations Board Rules Against the Use of NDAs,  Marks of a Wolf, and Resources. CHBC – home